

Day for Life Sunday is celebrated annually with a special message by the Catholic Church across Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It is a day specifically dedicated to raising awareness and reflecting on the deep value and meaning of human life at every stage, and in every condition.

Ordination of Father Donal Roche as Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin and the welcoming of Bishop Paul Dempsey

This Sunday (26th May), the Ordination of Father Donal Roche as Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin and the welcoming of Bishop Paul Dempsey as he begins his ministry as Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin will take place in Saint Andrew’s, Westland Row.

The Ordination Mass will be livestreamed at 3pm on the day at and at…

Dun Laoghaire Choral Society presents ELIJAH by Felix Mendelssohn

Not to be missed!

Mendelssohn’s thrilling oratorio ELIJAH – sung in English – tells the dramatic Old Testament tale of charismatic prophet Elijah battling the Israelites’ idolatrous worship of heathen deity Baal, god of storms and fertility…  And then there’s Elijah’s arch-enemy, Jezebel…

Join us to find out what happens next!

  • John Doyle, conductor


We congratulate the students from Monkstown Park Junior School who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday (19th May) during the 10 am mass.

Annual Organ recital Series 2024

Whitefriar Street Church

Sundays in May @ 7 pm

The annual organ recital series takes place in Whitefriar Street Church every Sunday in May.  The details of the each week’s recitals are on the following poster.

Novena to the Holy Spirit  12th – 20th May 2024

You are warmly invited to join once again with every parish in the diocese in a Novena to the Holy Spirit our dedicated period of prayer, reflection and planning for the renewal of the Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin. The Novena will take place in the nine days from 12th – 20th May beginning…

First Holy Communion

We congratulate the children from Monkstown Park Junior School who will celebrate thair First Holy Communion here in St. PAtrick’s Church, Monkstown on Sunday 12th May @ 10 am.


Donnybrook Pastoral Area – Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock

​Archbishop Dermot Farrell will lead the annual diocesan pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday, April 27.This year we are celebrating 145 years since the apparition in 1879 and the Choir of Many Voices from throughout the Archdiocese will be back this year. A series of workshops with interesting and thought-provoking speakers is being planned.

The Donnybrook Parish…

Lay Ministry Diocesan Collection (27th/28th April)

The Annual Lay Ministry Collection will take place on the weekend of 27th/28th April next. This collection will replace the usual Share collection.  Click on the image below to read the letter from Archbishop Farrell.

Supporting Parish and Diocesan Finances

Henry Roche, a member of our Parish Finance Committee will speak at all masses this weekend (20th / 21st April) to provide parishioners with an update on parish finances.  There are a variety of methods of making contributions from the various envelopes, the ‘tap and go’ contactless terminals as well as online and standing orders. …