Withdrawal of Card Donate Facility from Website

Published on September 28, 2024

We have decided to discontinue with the facility of accepting card payments (i.e. Credit / Debit Cards) on our website.  This is due to a number of factors.

  1. The level of costs involved in providing this facility are considerable, given we are a small parish, between the costs from the payment gateway (Payzone) and the transaction fees from the Card Acquirer (AIB Merchant Services).
  2. The complexity of completing the annual data security questionnaires.  These are mandatory and when we look for assistance to answer these, we are told we will have to pay for the advice and help to complete them.

We appreciate that our decision to discontinue this facility may cause you some inconvenience but hope that you will understand.  We sincerely hope that we do not lose your financial support and that you might consider switching to a ‘standing order’ or a direct banking transfer (BIC & IBAN) using your electronic banking facility.

If you would like to set up either a standing order or get our IBAN details for electronic transfer, please contact Ann Acres in the office. Her phone and email details are:

  • Email: secretary@monkstownparish.ie
  • Phone: (01) 538 2542