St Patricks Day Mass Times

Published on March 15, 2025

St Patrick’s Day Mass times will be the same as our Sunday Mass times which are at 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Let us mark the feast with thanksgiving and renewed faith.


Father, you brought the Gospel to life among the Irish by the preaching of the great St Patrick. Help us rediscover the spark of faith, that it may shine brightly once more among us.

Stained Glass Windows

There is a beautiful set of stained glass windows in the sanctuary area of our church, which of course is dedicated to St. Patrick.  You can view a short video here made by Deacon Eric of our parishioner Dr Séamus Cannon giving a very brief overview of St. Patrick and the moments of his life which are depicted in the various windows.  You can view the video by clicking on the following link:  St Patrick’s Windows