

Showing of the Film “The Golden Rule” (27 Nov)

Monkstown Friends are hosting a film show and a discussion on activism.  The Film is called The Golden Rule and is about a yacht with this name that was sailed by Quakers as a protest into a Nuclear Test Zone at Bikini Island in the Pacific in…


POPE FRANCIS’ NEW ENCYCLICAL ON THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS “Dilexit nos,” [He loved us] is the title of Pope Francis’ fourth Encyclical, in which he retraces the tradition and thought on “the human and divine love of the heart of Jesus Christ.” He calls for a renewal of authentic devotion to the…

Share Appeal Sunday (November 9 & 10)

Share Appeal Sunday takes place on the weekend of November 9/10, highlighting the important work that is funded by the weekly collection.  The share collection supports many services in the Archdiocese provided by the Diocesan offices to parishes and schools.  The Share newsletter along with a letter from  Archbishop Farrell are available to view by clicking…

November Altar List of the Dead

The month of November gives us the opportunity to remember our dear departed. We are currently compiling the Altar List of the Dead for the year ahead. The names on the list are remembered at the First Friday Mass throughout the year and at all weekend masses in November. If you would like to have…


This Sunday, October 20 is World Mission Sunday. The 2nd Collection/Share Collection is replaced by the collection for the Pontifical Missions Society at Masses this weekend. World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. It always falls…

Synod 2024 Newsletter & Prayer

We have all been asked to pray for everyone taking part in the Synod assembly in Rome this month.

Holy God,
You have made us all members of the body of Christ, the people of God,
and poured into our hearts the abundant gift of your Spirit.
Today, we pray earnestly for…

Mass times in our Parish Partnership

Foxrock Parish will be reducing the number of daily 10 am masses.  From next week there will be no 10 am Mass on Saturday or Wednesday mornings.

Current mass times in our parish partnership

Here is a list of the current mass times in our parish partnership.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock Parish

Withdrawal of Card Donate Facility from Website

We have decided to discontinue with the facility of accepting card payments (i.e. Credit / Debit Cards) on our website.  This is due to a number of factors.

  1. The level of costs involved in providing this facility are considerable, given we are a small parish, between the costs from the payment gateway (Payzone) and…


In October, the relics of St Bernadette will visit these churches in Dublin:

  • October 23-24: Mary Immaculate, Inchicore,
  • October 25-26: Adam & Eve’s, Merchants Quay,

For more information, visit

Join our Family Mass Choirs

Come along to the mass and enjoy listening to our vibrant choir or join us – we are always looking for new members, so if you have a child or teen who is interested in joining our choir, please contact us. We know how busy weekends can be for parents so we will work around…