New Parish Partnership

Published on December 3, 2022

Archbishop Farrell has written to all parishes accross the Diocese advising us of new parish partnerships as we move forward.  Here is a copy of the text from the letter advising us here in Monkstown of our new parish Partnership.

A letter from Archbishop Farrell
Parish Partnership Building Hope.

I am writing to confirm your parish partnership arrangement. This is part of the work to enable our parishes to continue the mission of the Church in our time. The Framework for Pastoral Renewal (Building Hope Task Force Report, p. 15) adopted for our diocese, is an exciting vision of how the Church in the Archdiocese can respond to the call we each received in Baptism. In particular, it envisages a close and creative engagement between the Archdiocese and parish communities in partnership.

To this end, your parish will now be in the following partnership of parishes in the

Donnybrook Deanery;

  • Foxrock,
  • Newtownpark
  • Blackrock,
  • Monkstown,
  • Kill O’The Grange

While each parish will retain its identity, its particular sense of community and its financial independence, it will be enabled within the partnership structure, and with respectful synodal engagement, to draw strength for our shared mission. The current pastoral appointments to your parish remain.

We have much to do together: supporting people to deepen their faith and relationship with God; creating the structures that support vibrant communities of faith; advocating for those  who are on the margins (see Statement of Mission, February 2022).

I ask for your renewed commitment and prayerful openness to the challenges and opportunities brought about by change, as we act with resolve and become more fully a place of welcome and compassion, which embodies the power, hope and joy of the Gospel.

With every blessing

+ Dermot Farrell
Archbishop of Dublin