The process has begun to establish a Diocesan Pastoral Council for the Dublin Diocese, which will be commissioned at the beginning of Lent 2025. Following from the Synodal and Task Force listening exercises, having a Diocesan Pastoral Council was seen as an essential part of moving forward. Earlier this year Archbishop Farrell set up a group to look at the requirements, statutes and membership of the Council. The work of the group can be seen on the Diocesan website under the Diocesan Pastoral Council tab.
The function of the Diocesan Pastoral Council is to be a consultative group which works co-responsibly with Archbishop Farrell in designing ways and means by which the Diocese can best fulfil the mission of Jesus Christ.
It will be made up of the Archbishop and 21 laity, religious and clergy. The makeup of the membership will reflect the entire People of God with the good of the whole Diocese in mind. Those who will be on the Council are not representatives of areas or groups in the Diocese but fulfil the criteria for membership that has be set down.
The choosing of the nine lay members will be a five stage process of discernment. It began at the Deanery Meetings this week. As the discernment process continues over the next three months, we ask the whole Diocese to pray for the work that is going on. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide all who are involved both the nominees and those engaged in the discernment process. As this continues we will keep you updated and let you know the key moments as they happen.
You can read more about the Diocesan Pastoral Council by clicking on the following link.