We extend of our condolences to the family of Eilish MacCurtain Pearce who died peacefully on August 7th, at St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Dearly beloved wife of the late Brian Pearce, daughter of the late Ann and Séan, sister of the late Michael, Joan, Margaret (Sr. Ben OP) and Nancy. Eilish will be very sadly missed by the MacCurtain and Pearce families and a large circle of loving friends, neighbours and work colleagues (G.I.S., Depts of Foreign Affairs; P&T and RTE). I measc na naomh go raibh sí. The Funeral Mass can be viewed online at 10am on Thursday 12th August 2021 on our parish webcam: https://monkstownparish.ie/webcam/.

Eilish MacCurtain Pearce
Died on August 10, 2021
See full deaths list