We offer our condolences to the family of Agnes Butler (née Prendergast) Agnes (late of York Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin) who passed away peacefully on January 20th, surrounded by her family in the kind care of the staff at the Blackrock Clinic. Beloved wife of Denis and loving Mum of Alan, Denis, Paul, Dermot, Adrienne, Valerie, Keith and Jason and the late Kieran and Anne. Loving sister of the late Jack, Denis and Paddy. Adored by her 18 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren whom she cherished dearly. She will be sadly missed by all her large family, sons and daughters-in-law Sandra, Geraldine, Carol, Marie, David (Dan), Serbülent, Suzanne, and Yvonne, neighbours and very many friends. Her funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 25th January at 10am, here in in St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown followed by burial in Deans Grange Cemetery. For those that cannot attend, the Mass can be viewed online using this link: https://monkstownparish.ie/webcam/

Anges Butler (née Prendergast)
Died on January 20, 2023
See full deaths list